Yes! I finally summoned the courage to write. I have always wanted to keep track of all my activities, more like my personal report card. The reason I came up with this idea was this, I had taken the position of the president of the procrastination community😅.

I wrote down things I wanted to do for myself but ended up not doing most of them because I procrastinated😢.

This year, I want to write monthly reviews of what I am able or not able to achieve at the end of each month, to keep me accountable.

I got a job with a European company in November 2019 to resume on the 6th of January 2020. The period between the offer and my start date gave me the opportunity to complete the projects I was working on with my then company Schoolable, and level up on the technologies that are used by the new company(you guessed right! I didn’t), also, time to take it all in that I would be moving to Europe soon!!.

I made my new year resolutions as I did in 2019 to help me track my progress. This month, I started off pretty well by reading two books to help me curb some habits I wasn’t proud of, procrastination being the first, starting off with a positive mentality, becoming a better version of me, take responsibilities…

Eat that frog by Brian Tracy and Who will cry when you die Robin Sharma. These books have really shaped my life and thinking so far, for starters , I wrote this article, and I was able to tick off the goals I set for January!.


Remember no goal is too small, write them down and tick them off. It gives me so much joy to tick off my short goals. Here are the following goals for January

  • Read the following books

    • Eat that frog (Brian Tracy)
    • Who will cry when you die(Robin Sharma) 🥰 read!!
  • Register in the gym (Have started the fit-fam lifestyle)

  • Save a certain amount of money from my salary

  • Summarise the month of January(Holla, that’s what you are reading)

  • Fast for 12 days (Jan 20th- 31st) for my spiritual growth

  • Learn to use DynamoDb, AWS cloud formation, typescript, and Graphql. For these technologies, I really needed to learn them for my new job. I cannot say I am currently proficient in them, but I can use them to some extent, at least I pushed some codes to production😎 though my hands are still shaky.

  • Get a weighing scale, a sister has to know when them fats are dropping (If only I could sell them for money).

  • Complete the remaining work I had with my previous company.

  • Listen to Ted talks, podcasts when I am jogging or in the gym (I downloaded the TED app, Myles Munroe app as well, they are amazing).

These pretty much sum up my January activities and I hope to continue.

Those books have a lot of information that could be of good use to you, and I recommend them when you have the time. You can download Anybooks, this app has a lot of amazing books!!

For February books, I plan to read these two:

  • Unfuck yourself
  • Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn

February will definitely be better🥳.

Thanks for reading😇.